Hardware designs are at the core of what we do. We deliver cutting-edge solutions that work.
Since 2003, CAES APD has designed high-performance, complex solutions for commercial, industrial and military customers – land, sea, air and space. Our designs consist of a wide range of technology spanning from low-Cost, Size, Weight and Power (C-SWaP) embedded platforms to 36-layer, blind-via, via-in-pad, micro-via, 600W Software Defined Radios (SDRs) in 6 months to enable titans of industry to capture new market space. No matter what your hardware requirements are, APD can provide custom solutions.
- Digital, Analog & Mixed Signal Designs
- RF-System in Package (RF-SiP) & Discrete Components
- Analog-to-digital & Digital-to-analog Conversion Hardware & Software
- Technology Agnostic
- X86, FPGAs, GPUs, ARM, PPC & More!
- Bleeding-Edge Components & Technology
- Custom & Standard Form Factors
- High Speed I/O
- PCIe Gen 4, 100GbE, SerDes, LVDS, Etc.
- Analog & RF Up To 340 GHz
- Rapid Development
- 38-layers, 10K Component Designs
- Advanced Design Techniques
- Blind-via, Via-in-pad, Micro-via
- Power & Thermal Solutions > 600 W
- Ruggedized & High Reliability
- Industrial – Low-Cost / Design For Manufacturing
- Space Design – Radiation Tolerant / Redundancy
- Cyber & Anti-tamper

- Turn-key Solutions – Hardware, Software, Manufacturing & Integration
- System & Board Level Architecture Specification
- Component Selection, Production Cost Analysis & Schedule
- Part Entry / Symbol Creation
- Schematic Drawing / Capture
- Power & Timing Analysis
- Netlist, BOM & Artwork Generation
- Tools:
- Altium
- Hyperlinx
- AWR AXIEM & Microwave Office
- SiWave – Power Analysis
- Prime Integrator for Tech. Refresh
- UHF-band / 250nmi Range
- Reducing Multiple Racks to Single DREX+
- RIF & OTA Funding

SKYLINE - Air-to-air Collision Avoidance Radar

- Skyline is an advanced airborne, pulsed-Doppler radar
- C-Band AESA
- Modular Design
- Majority of radar processing in 3 FPGAs Programmed in Simulink
- Air to Air & Ground to Air Detection
CAES APD offers a wide array of products – view the overview for a complete list!